NZ Urban Development news from the media | 22 October 2024 | Retirement Villages Act review – outcomes of public consultation and next steps


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 22 October 2024.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Property Advisory, a member of:                             

Retirement Villages Act review – outcomes of public consultation and next steps

The coalition Government is progressing mahi in the Retirement Villages Act 2003 review and focusing it on the areas of highest importance, Associate Minister of Housing Tama Potaka and Seniors Minister Casey Costello announced today.

“It’s clear based on the over 11,000 public submissions received in 2023 during consultation that there are some areas with high levels of agreement,” says Mr Potaka.

“These areas include updating the Act to bring it in line with sector best practice, strengthening transparency such as introducing a plain language version of the Code of Practice, and looking at changes to increase protections for residents, for example restricting operators from passing on insurance excesses to residents if the damage was not their fault. 

“Additionally, I have agreed the next steps of the review should focus on three key priority areas that support residents. These involve receiving advice on:

  • Maintenance and repairs of operator-owned chattels and fixtures. 
  • Managing complaints and disputes.
  • Options for incentivising or requiring earlier capital repayments when residents move out of a village.

Government releases targeted actions to improve road safety

The Government has today released targeted actions to improve road safety that are focused on increasing road policing and enforcement, targeting the highest contributing factors to fatal crashes, and delivering new and safe roading infrastructure, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.

  • Increased alcohol breath testing and introducing roadside drug testing
  • Reviewing penalties for traffic offences
  • Identifying opportunities to improve the driver licensing system
  • Building and maintaining our road network to a safe standard

“Motorists and freight should be able to travel around our road network, quickly and safely. Improving road safety is a priority for our Government to keep Kiwis safe and increase productivity to improve outcomes for all New Zealanders,” Mr Brown says.

The road safety objectives build on the Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024, outlining several road safety actions over the next three years that target the highest contributors to DSIs.

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