Urban Development News from the media | 4 March 2025 | Improvements to infrastructure funding and financing tools


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 4 March 2025.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Property Advisory, a member of:                             

Supporting urban growth with improvements to infrastructure funding and financing tools

The Government has released the second stage of the Going for Housing Growth programme (GfHG), with improvements to infrastructure funding and financing tools to help get more housing built.
Replacing development contributions with a development levy system

This is the most significant change being made. Shifting to development levies will provide councils with more flexibility to charge developers for the overall cost of growth infrastructure across an urban area – and ensure that ‘growth pays for growth’.

Councils will still be required to use identified infrastructure projects to calculate levies. However, councils will be able to adapt plans to respond to growth and use levy revenue to build the infrastructure needed to support housing and urban development.

Development levies will be subject to regulatory oversight and councils will need to ensure they’re setting appropriate charges.


Eke Panuku to integrate intoAuckland Council by mid-year

Since the decision was made at the end of last year, work has been underway to facilitate the transition. By 30 June, the activities of Eke Panuku will be fully incorporated into Auckland Council, meaning that from July onwards, Eke Panuku will no longer operate as a separate CCO.

Notwithstanding this structural change, the Governing Body has made it clear that Aucklanders can expect the continuation of high-quality, holistic urban regeneration across the region. The council remains committed to delivering vibrant and thriving town centres without disruption to ongoing projects.

A working assumption being tested is the creation of a unit, the Auckland Development Office—a working title—within the council, that would house the bulk of the Eke Panuku functions. There is also potential for inclusion of other council functions that align with property and urban development.  

Extensive work is being carried out across legal, financial, policy, and operational systems to facilitate a smooth transition. Additionally, a staff consultation period on proposed organisational structures is scheduled for mid-March.


Council backs funding for Auckland’s St James Theatre

Auckland Council has backed a commitment of $15 million towards the restoration of the St James Theatre. The council’s funding is one part of an agreement between the council, central government and the owner of the St James.  

The decision to uphold the grant came at today’s Governing Body meeting. Mayor Wayne Brown says the council’s commitment will enable public access to the theatre in the future.

"I'm keen to get on with things to improve the safety and amenity of mid-town Auckland as a priority. My expectation is the funding will allow work to begin immediately to clean up the eyesore on Queen Street at the same time as the theatre restoration. Residents and visitors will hopefully see an improvement to this important part of the city as a result. It's been left like this far too long," says Mayor Brown. 


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