Infrastructure Acceleration Fund opening for business
Criteria to access at least $1 billion of the $3.8 billion Housing Acceleration Fund (HAF), announced in March, is now available, and an invitation for expressions of interest will be released on 30 June, Housing Minister Megan Woods has announced.
“This is a key milestone in our plan to accelerate the development of build ready land to enable more homes to be built at pace and scale,” Megan Woods said.
“The housing supply crisis is a problem decades in the making that will take time to turn around, but we are starting to make inroads on increasing supply and this fund will make a real difference to increasing the supply of housing by assisting in overcoming a key barrier to building – access to basic infrastructure.
“Investment in infrastructure was identified by local councils and others as one of the key actions the Government can take to increase the supply of housing in the short term.
“The Infrastructure Acceleration Fund is designed to allocate funding to infrastructure projects that will unlock housing development in the short to medium-term.