NZ Urban Development news from the media | 27 August 2024 |Huge interest in one-stop shop Fast-track Bill


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 27 August 2024.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Property Advisory, a member of:                             

Huge interest in one-stop shop Fast-track Bill

Cabinet has agreed to recommend a suite of sensible changes to the Fast-track Approvals Bill, say RMA Reform Minister Chris Bishop and Regional Development Minister Shane Jones.

The Ministers also today released an overview of the 384 projects that have applied to be listed in the Bill.

“We’re delighted by the massive interest in our Fast-track process. New Zealand has a housing crisis, a massive infrastructure deficit, and very ambitious climate change targets. Fast-track will be a huge step forward toward addressing this trifecta of challenges for government and the private sector alike,” Mr Bishop says.

“For too long New Zealanders have had to put up with overly restrictive planning rules that stifle much-needed growth. The Coalition Government is cutting through the jumble of consenting processes so we can deliver new infrastructure up and down the country, grow our economy, and provide much needed new jobs for the regions.”

“The positive feedback on our one-stop shop Fast-track Bill has confirmed what we’ve been hearing for a long time: Kiwis want to see progress in their towns and cities and are sick of waiting years for it,” Mr Jones says.

Auckland monthly housing update, August 2024

August highlights:

  • 744 dwellings were consented in June 2024.
  • In the year ending June 2024, 13,855 dwellings were consented in the region.
  • 39 per cent of new dwellings consented in June 2024 were houses, 4 per cent were apartments and 57 per cent were townhouses, flats, units, retirement village units, or other types of attached dwellings.
  • 31 dwellings were consented on Kāinga Ora or Tāmaki Regeneration Company owned land in June 2024.
  • 700 dwellings consented in June 2024 were inside the RUB. Over the past 12 months, 95 per cent of new dwellings consented were inside the RUB.
  • 20 per cent of dwellings consented were inside the 1500m walking catchments of the rapid transit network in June 2024.
  • 203 dwellings were consented on properties overlapping hazard zones in June 2024, accounting for 30 per cent of total dwellings consented. Over the past 12 months, 13 per cent of new dwellings were consented on properties overlapping a hazard zone.
  • 1322 dwellings were ‘completed’ by having a Code Compliance Certificate (CCC) issued in June 2024.
  • In the year ending June 2024, 19,140 dwellings had a CCC issued.

Du Val Group entities placed in statutory management to ‘prevent broader harm’

The Government has placed companies associated with Du Val Group, a developer of large-scale residential property projects in Auckland, into statutory management, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly says.

“Du Val Group has recently gone into interim receivership, leaving significant liabilities. The situation is complex and of such a scale that immediate intervention is required to prevent broader harm,” Bayly said in a statement.

“Statutory management is the option of last resort used to deal with complex corporate failure where ordinary insolvency law is inadequate. It is intended to protect investors and creditors from further losses, and to enable the orderly administration of a company's affairs,” Bayly said.

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