NZ Urban Development news from the media | 22 March 2022 | New measure to boost housing supply in Rotorua Lakes District


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 22 March 2022.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

New measure to boost housing supply in Rotorua Lakes District

Rotorua Lakes Council is to join the Tier 1 major urban centres covered by the medium density residential standards (MDRS) in a move that will significantly increase housing supply in the Rotorua Lakes District.

Housing Minister Dr Megan Woods and Environment Minister David Parker announced the move today following a request from Rotorua Lakes Council and its partners Te Arawa Lakes Trust and Te Tatau o Te Arawa.

Rotorua has recently experienced strong population increases, but housing supply has not kept pace – meaning many residents have been locked out of affordable home ownership and rental properties.

Auckland Council agrees approach to intensification around suburban centres

Auckland Council’s Planning Committee has today, 3 March 2022, agreed to an approach for enabling more apartment and terrace housing, and greater housing choices, close to Auckland’s local and town centres to meet central government requirements for more housing density.

The central government’s National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPSUD) directs councils of New Zealand’s largest and fastest-growing cities to allow for more housing, at greater heights and density in places close to jobs, community services and public transport.

One of its policies directs the council to enable more housing density within and next to the city’s neighbourhood, local and town centres to match the level of commercial activity and community services in each centre, such as jobs, shops, education, businesses, and civic facilities.

Aggregate supplier proposes new quarry pit in Drury, south of Auckland

Stevenson Aggregates is asking locals to have their say on a new pit at its Drury quarry at consultation sessions in Ramarama this month.

Stevenson, which owns and operates the quarry in Drury, south of Auckland, also owns an appropriately zoned plot of land right next to the pit, where a new pit could go.

The current pit is near the end of its 100-year lifespan. For Auckland to maintain the supply of aggregate it needs to keep growing, it needs a new pit, general manager of Stevenson Aggregate, Kurt Hine said.

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