NZ Urban Development news from the media | 20 February 2024 | Join the conversation - Onehunga’s new public spaces


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 20 February 2024.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Property Advisory, a member of:                             

Join the conversation - Onehunga’s new
public spaces

Consultation is now open on the transformation of Onehunga’s Waiapu Precinct and Paynes Lane.

From February 12 until March 10, Eke Panuku is encouraging views and feedback on the concept design proposals which include new public plazas, green spaces, realigned parking and safer walking connections. 

The concept designs, including detailed information on the improvements planned for Waiapu Precinct and Paynes Lane’s public spaces is available on line at AKHaveYourSay.

There you will also find information on how to give feedback both online and in person, as well as details of drop-in community information sessions at the Onehunga Library and Dress Smart.  Alternatively, you can provide feedback in writing by email or complete a hardcopy form at the Onehunga Library.

The Wellington Company seeks consent for major Kāpiti development

Wellington developer Ian Cassels’ The Wellington Company has applied for a resource consent to build more than 1000 residential properties on the Kāpiti Coast.

The 28-hectare project at 77-109 Kāpiti Rd in Paraparaumu would be a medium to high-density development, including a mixed use zone shared by commercial, retail and residential properties; a “large format retail” area; a general reserve; and subdivisions for homes and aged care offering more than 1000 houses.

Another component of the development is restoring eight hectares of nearby wetland and realigning the Wharemauku Stream back to its natural course after it was rerouted for previous farming purposes.

Government tackling high construction costs

The Government is focused on reducing sky-high construction costs to make it more affordable to build a home, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. 

Stats NZ data shows the cost of building a house has increased by 41 per cent since 2019, making housing even more unaffordable for Kiwi families.

“Further analysis shows building costs are consistently higher in New Zealand than several overseas jurisdictions, with comparisons showing the cost to build a standalone house is around 50 per cent more expensive than it is in Australia. This must change.

“Not only do high building costs make it harder for families trying to purchase their first home, but they have far-reaching economic and social consequences such as higher mortgage repayment costs, higher rents, and increased demand for social housing.

Previous news can be access here: 

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