NZ Urban Development news from the media | 18 May 2021 | CRL station taking shape below Auckland streets


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 18 May 2021.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

CRL station taking shape below Auckland streets

Construction of New Zealand’s deepest railway station is celebrating a significant milestone with the project pouring the last concrete to complete the first underground floor ( B1 in pink below) of City Rail Link’s Karangahape Station.

CRL station taking shape below Auckland streets
The floor at the Mercury Lane entrance to the station is one of five that will carry people to and from the platforms 25 metres below ground.

“It’s great to see a station that’s going to have a huge impact on the Karangahape Road area slowly taking shape,” says Jonathan Hill, the Karangahape Station Manager for the Link Alliance.

Progress on long-running Te Anau subdivision bright spot for pandemic-hit town

Tradies and community leaders say progress on the Luxmore Subdivision in Te Anau signals brighter days ahead for a tourism town impacted by Covid-19.

In April, during a public excluded section of a council meeting, Southland District councillors agreed to spend $380,000 unbudgeted expenditure, from the Luxmore Developmnent Reserve, to do a full engineering design upfront, ahead of the next stage.

The commercial and residential subdivision on the eastern edge of Te Anau is on council-owned land, and the community board has been managing the ongoing subdivision project in stages for years.

Auckland Council monthly housing update, May 2021

May highlights:

  • 1622 dwellings were consented in March 2021.
  • In the year ending March 2021, 17,492 dwellings were consented in the region.
  • 37 per cent of new dwellings consented in March 2021 were houses, 11 per cent were apartments and 52 per cent were townhouses, flats, units, retirement village units, or other types of attached dwellings.
  • 64 dwellings were consented on Kāinga Ora or Tāmaki Regeneration Company owned land in March 2021.
  • 1531 dwellings consented in March 2021 were inside the RUB. Over the past 12 months, 94 per cent of new dwellings consented were inside the RUB.

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