NZ Urban Development news from the media | 1 June 2021 | Billion-dollar Sleepyhead development gets the go-ahead


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 1 June 2021.

Provided by Rockhopper Development Management & Advisory, a member of:                             

Billion-dollar Sleepyhead development gets the go-ahead

Independent commissioners have approved a billion-dollar industrial and housing development in north Waikato.

But leaders in two major Waikato organisations are not ruling out an appeal to the Environment Court.

Sleepyhead intends to create a large manufacturing and housing community in Ōhinewai, potentially bringing 2600 jobs and 1100 homes for 3000 people.

A panel of commissioners has given Sleepyhead the green light to turn the 178 hectares of rural land there into industrial, commercial and residential land.

Auckland mayor hits out at developers’ fast-track plans for Drury

Auckland's mayor says plans by developers to use the Government’s Covid-19 recovery legislation to fast-track a rural redevelopment are a step too far.

Oyster Capital, Fulton Hogan and Kiwi Property are seeking to rezone about 330 hectares of land in the Drury East area, in rural south Auckland, from future urban to a mix of residential, business and open space zones.

Auckland Council’s planning committee voted to accept the three private plan change requests in July 2020. They have since gone out for public consultation before a series of hearings, which are expected to start in July.

Christchurch’s ‘Hotel Give’ shovel ready project hits major milestone, delivers jobs

Housing Minister and Associate Minister of Finance, Megan Woods today visited YMCA Christchurch to mark the near completion of the first stage of the refurbishment of the ‘Hotel Give’ shovel ready project, funded by the COVID-19 response fund.

“Hotel Give” is the only hotel in New Zealand where all the profits go back into the community, and is a fantastic example of the Government’s shovel-ready projects. It is delivering support for a socially sustainable business and accomodation provider, as well as over one hundred jobs for Christchurch,” says Megan Woods.

So far the project, set to reopen in July, has employed 59 FTEs, and is targeting 120 FTEs by project end.

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