NZ Urban Development News - 27 Mar


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 26 March 2018.

Mt Albert housing development will help address Auckland's housing crisis

Housing Minister Phil Twyford says a new housing development that will see three to four thousand new-builds pop up on Unitec land will tackle Auckland's housing crisis head on. Twyford and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern were welcomed onto Unitec's Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae this morning to deliver the announcement.

The development was the first major plan released under the Government's KiwiBuild programme.

Unitec is condensing its campus and 29ha of its land will be transferred from Unitec to the Crown.

Housing development planned beside Whangaparaoa College

Whangaparaoa College may lose some of its surrounding greenery should a proposed development go ahead.

A .79ha lot of land between the school and Whangaparāoa Rd is being eyed for development, but housing details are unavailable at present.

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment manager crown development Matt Fraser says the Crown-owned land has been identified by the Land for Housing programme.

Targeted housing support for Mangere

A new public housing development opens in Mangere today, providing warm, dry and safe homes for five families just in time for winter, Associate Housing and Urban Development Minister Jenny Salesa says.
“While this project was initiated under the previous government, the current government welcomes its opening. More public housing means less families in desperate living conditions.
“The five homes in this development will cater to mainly Maori and Pacific families. The social housing register shows that by the end of 2017, there were over 3,200 Auckland households on the register, most of them Maori and Pacific.
“While five new houses for five families may seem like a drop in the bucket, these houses have two or five bedrooms, which means big families can be housed,” Jenny Salesa said.
The development was funded by Te Taha Maori Property Trust, and will receive on-going support from the Ministry of Social Development (MSD). The building of the development has been project managed by Airedale Property Trust.
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