NZ Urban Development News - 21 Nov


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 21 November 2017

Housing Minister Phil Twyford doubles Labour's pre-election promise of extra state houses


Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford told TVNZ's Q+A he was confident the Government could build more than 27 houses a day, to reach its KiwiBuild goal of 100,000 houses in 10 years.
Part of the Labour-led Government's affordable housing plan was to deliver a net increase of state houses.

$100m plans unveiled for six storey Wakefield Hospital expansion


Ahead of confirmation of its plan for Takapuna's Anzac St car park, Auckland Council development arm Panuku Development has bought a property backing onto the site for $2 million.
Panuku has confirmed the purchase of 30 Hurstmere Rd, which was completed in June this year.
Project development director Clive Fuhr said the purchase would allow greater flexibility for both public spaces and development outcomes on the council-owned sites along Hurstmere Rd.
"Panuku will investigate opportunities for this property following a decision on whether the change of use of 40 Anzac Street is approved," Fuhr said.


Large subdivision planned for Waiwera in north Auckland

A "substantial" block of livestock grazing land near Waiwera is set for subdivision.
The 64-hectare block at 913 Hibiscus Coast Highway has been put on the market for sale, with plans to create up to 55 lifestyle blocks on the property.
Bayleys Real Estate will sell the property, which lies 4km north of Orewa and over the hill from Waiwera thermal pools, with tenders set to close on December 13.

Stanmore Bay Reserve Opens and House Construction ready to begin

The city’s redevelopment agency Panuku Development Auckland is working with development partner McConnell Property on the 60 lot Mariner Rise subdivision.
All the earthworks, drainage and roads in the subdivision are now completed and the titles issued. In late October the 2700sqm public reserve and children’s playground was also opened.
Hibiscus and Bays Local Board chair Julia Parfitt says the reserve will provide a fantastic focal point for local families and the wider community.

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