Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 20 November 2018.

Chinese speaking buyers offered first dibs on 'top secret' luxury apartment planned for Auckland
A "top secret" 24-storey luxury apartment tower planned for Auckland's North Harbour has been snapped up by exclusive buyers months before the public gets a look in.
The 72.5 metre apartment planned for Kaipiho Lane, Albany will feature more than 280 apartments, 11 lifts, a helicopter landing pad, residents' cinema, swimming pool, clubhouse, ballroom, 24 hour concierge and robotic valet parking.
A website marketing the development in Chinese, www.kaipiho.co.nz, said the apartments "caused a subscription frenzy" when they were promoted on Chinese social media app WeChat.

First stage of Porirua's Kenepuru Landing starts hitting the market
A huge housing development in Porirua could begin construction early next year.
Kenepuru Landing is being built on Ngati Toa land which was previously part of Porirua Hospital. Up to 700 medium-density homes are planned, accompanied by a 300-unit Summerset retirement village on the site.
Earth works have already begun and the first stage of 114 houses is now being marketed online.
Title for the first 88 sections is expected to be issued around May next year, but with council permission, building work may be able to begin beforehand, Carrus Properties managing director Scott Adams said.
Major infrastructure partnership for North Auckland
Minister of Housing and Urban Development Phil Twyford and Auckland Mayor Phil Goff today announced a partnership that will fund $91 million of roading and wastewater infrastructure to support the building of 9000 homes at Wainui, north of Auckland.
The Government Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) has been created in partnership with Auckland Council, Crown Infrastructure Partners and Fulton Hogan Land Development.
Phil Twyford said the Milldale project demonstrates an approach to funding that allows private investment in new infrastructure with the debt sitting on a balance sheet that is neither the Council’s or the Government’s.
New Minister and Unit for Māori housing
To improve housing opportunities for Māori, a dedicated Māori Housing Unit will be established and Minister Nanaia Mahuta will be appointed the Associate Minister of Housing and Urban Development (Māori Housing) to lead it, Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford announced today.
The Unit is being established within the new Ministry for Housing and Urban Development.
Phil Twyford said the Māori home ownership rate is only 43 per cent compared to 63% for the general population, Māori make up 36 per cent of public housing tenants yet comprise just under 15 per cent of the general population, and Māori are five times more likely than Pakeha to be homeless.
New Waitematā Safe Routes designs open for feedback
Auckland Transport (AT) is asking for feedback on its newly designed Waitematā Safe Routes project, which will deliver walking, cycling, road safety and village centre improvements to Garnet, Old Mill, Surrey and Richmond Roads in Grey Lynn.
The new designs are the result of months of engagement with schools, businesses, community groups and residents on how to fix and improve on the work undertaken last year.
AT’s Group Manager Major Projects, David Nelson, says AT has worked closely with community representatives to find a way forward and there is now an opportunity for the wider community to give feedback.
“We have done significant engagement with business owners in the area, the local schools and community representatives since construction paused last year," he says.