NZ Urban Development News - 19 March


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 19 March 2019.

Provided by Rockhopper

Auckland building boom tops $9 billion with a surge in commercial construction

Construction of hotels, motels, shops, bars and restaurants surged in Auckland helping to take the region to a record high of $9.15 billion of building work in 2018.

The $9.15b building boom was 16 per cent higher than in 2017 and more than double the national growth rate of 7.3 per cent, according to Statistics New Zealand data.

Auckland hogs about 40 per cent of all New Zealand construction work which reached $22.78b in 2018, 7.3 per cent more than in 2017.

Non-residential building soared by almost 20 per cent to $3.1b in the City of Sails eclipsing residential building's increase of 14 per cent to $6.05 billion. 

Building cost inflation was about 3.9 per cent for residential buildings and 4.5 per cent for non-residential.

Technology hub confirmed for MIT

A new centre of excellence for MIT’s trades and engineering schools that will be used by more than 1200 students and create more high-value jobs in the community has been approved for Manukau.

The 9000-square-metre purpose-built technology hub will be created by Haydn & Rollett opposite the current MIT campus, bordered by Manukau Station Road, Lambie Drive and Wiri Station Road. Panuku Development Auckland facilitated the development as part of its regeneration of Manukau.

Haydn & Rollett will own the building and MIT will take up a 30-year lease on the facility once it is completed.

Controversial Waterfall Park hotel complex near Queenstown gets resource consent

Environment Court appeals could derail a controversial "wellness centre" and hotel that has been approved for sensitive land near Queenstown.

It includes a proposed four-star hotel with 380 rooms at Waterfall Park, near Arrowtown.

Two restaurants, facilities for large events, a wellness centre with day spa, yoga studio and swimming pool and a wedding chapel are also planned for the complex.

Te Awa Lakes housing plan stalls

The application to fast-track a riverside housing development has sat languishing on a Government desk for nine months.

The plan is to build 1000 homes - at least 400 of them affordable - on a piece of triangular land in Horotiu owned by Perry Group.

In June, Hamilton City Council voted to send a special housing area application for the site, Te Awa Lakes, to central Government for approval.

But nine months on, the developers and the council are in the dark as to what is happening.

Public invited to share thoughts for future of Kiwi Property land in Drury

Kiwi Property is calling for the public to have its say on a future town centre in rural Drury, southern Auckland, after purchasing 51 hectares of land for development.

The company, who owns Sylvia Park shopping centre, is looking to create a town centre that will support the rapidly growing southern Drury community.

The company is New Zealand's largest property company on the New Zealand Stock Exchange and reported a half-year after tax profit of $48.3 million for the six months to September 30, 2018, up almost one per cent on the previous half-year's $47.9m.

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