Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 16 January 2018.
Welcome back and Happy New Year.

New Zealand home consents hit 13-year high
The number of new homes consented in New Zealand hit a 13-year high in November 2017, boosted by apartments in Auckland.
The figures released by Stats NZ on Friday show a near-record month in Auckland - driven by a spike in apartment consents - lifted consents nationally to 3,262 in November last year.
"In November Auckland home consents reached their second-highest level on record," construction statistics manager Melissa McKenzie said.
Government starts implementation of KiwiBuild
The Coalition Government has fulfilled another of its first 100 day promises by taking the first steps to implement the KiwiBuild programme, Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford has announced.
“It will take at least a year to formally establish the urban development authority – which will be called the Housing Commission – but we’re not waiting to get started on building the 100,000 affordable houses New Zealand desperately needs.
The KiwiBuild Unit will be responsible for:
Building KiwiBuild homes as part of redevelopment of state housing land, alongside new state and open market homes.
Scaling up the building of KiwiBuild homes on underutilised Crown-owned land.
Purchasing (or underwriting) new homes off the plans in private developments.
Investigating major greenfield and urban regeneration projects, so that they can be progressed swiftly by the Housing Commission once established.
Working with councils, iwi and private developers.
Exploring innovative ways to address current constraints including alternative financing options and construction practices.
Government stops the sale of state houses
The Labour-led Government today cancelled the sell-off of state houses, fulfilling another of its first 100 day promises, Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford has announced.
“This will stop the transfer of up to 2,500 state houses in Christchurch. Tenants in the suburbs of Shirley, Bryndwr and Riccarton had been told they were likely to have a new landlord by mid next year.

Office towers sell in biggest property deal Auckland city centre since 2010
Two Queen Street office towers have sold to an overseas buyer in what is being billed as the biggest property deal in Auckland's central business district since 2010.
The buildings, at 205 Queen Street, are formerly known as National Bank towers and are located on one of the busiest intersections in the central city. One tower has 22 offices level and the other has 17.
Going on the market last year, the site has recently changed hands and although the purchase price and buyer were not disclosed, it's understood the buildings sold for almost $175 million to an overseas entity.