NZ Urban Development News - 17 July


Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 17 July 2018.

280-apartment social housing complex for central Auckland, 80 units to go on open market

Hundreds of social housing units will go up in a new apartment development in Auckland, with 80 of those to be rented on the open market.

Minister of Housing and Urban development Phil Twyford announced on Tuesday that an 87-unit social housing block on Greys Avenue in the central city, dating back to the 1950s, will be replaced with three buildings containing a total of 280 units, with 1000 sq m of social services onsite and 2000 sq m of communal space.

Eighty units in the new complex would be rented on the open market, Twyford said.

Housing Minister Phil Twyford reveals plan for 10,000 new Mangere homes

The Government has announced that its ambitious programme to transform Mangere will include the construction of 10,000 new homes.

These will not only be state homes, with Minister of Housing and Urban Development Phil Twyford saying that they will be for families from all walks of life. 

Twyford today opened the Mangere Development Information Centre and visited the first lot of old state houses being replaced with a combination of new state houses, KiwiBuild and affordable homes, and market homes.

"The redevelopment will include up to 3500 affordable KiwiBuild homes for first home buyers," Twyford said.

'When I bought, I knew there'd be a fight': developer on Remuera bowling green project

A retirement village is nearing completion on a former 100-year-old Remuera bowling club and its developer says he understands why local opposition to his company's plans was so strong.

"Totally," said Guy Eady, chief executive of retirement specialist BeGroup. "You're losing a green space and having two years of construction. I would not want to be in that position either."

But he says the Unitary Plan seeks intensification, the city has a rapidly ageing demographic, and retirement village demand is strong, particularly in Remuera - all factors contributing to Be Rawhiti Holdings' decision to purchase the site at 14 Rangitoto Ave for $8.1m four years ago.

Government invests $38m in Te Kauwhata to help support new home builds

Te Kauwhata's growth could soon be boosted even further due to a $38 million boost from the Government.

Minister of Housing and Urban Development Phil Twyford announced on Wednesday that Waikato District Council would receive a $38 million, 10-year interest-free loan, to support infrastructure projects around north Waikato township.

The loan was to help with investment in wastewater, water reticulation and water treatment to help support the build of around 2800 new homes in the area, Twyford said.

Site of proposed Rotorua housing development rejected for cemetery

The proposed site for Rotorua's first Special Housing Accord development was once considered for a cemetery, but rejected due to the presence of "sewage sludge". There was also a flood-prone area deemed a problem. 

Documents released to Stuff under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act revealed that in 2004, Rotorua Lakes Council considered the 16-hectare site in Ngongotahā as a possible cemetery location.

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