Hi *|FNAME|*, Please find below Urban Development News from the media from the week of 13 February 2018.

Application lodged for 174 foreign worker visas for Park Hyatt Hotel
Immigration NZ has only just received an application for foreign workers from a local subsidiary of a Beijing-based property developer, which has publicly said it wants up to 200 Chinese workers to help build a high-end Auckland hotel.
In response to Radio New Zealand queries yesterday, developer Fu Wah said it intended to bring in the foreign workers because of a skills shortage in the construction sector.
Fu Wah wants the workers to help finish the $200 million-plus Park Hyatt Hotel on Auckland's waterfront, expected to be finished by March next year.
Following media reports, Immigration Minister Iain Lees-Galloway sought clarity from Immigration NZ that the application for work visas was legitimate and in an area of genuine need.

Inside the mega-mall: What's about to hit Newmarket
"Hands-free" shopping, rooftop outdoor dining, 2770 carparks and an Uber pick-up area are features planned at the new $790 million Westfield Newmarket when it opens later next year.
Greg Miles, Scentre Group chief operating officer from Sydney, gave more details of the country's largest new retail centre this morning, designed to bring Auckland its first David Jones department store and have more than 200 new shops.
Stocktake finds housing crisis deeper, more entrenched
Commissioned by Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford and released today, A Stocktake of New Zealand’s Housing assesses the entire housing continuum from homeownership and market renting, to state housing and homelessness, and the social cost of substandard housing.
“It paints a sobering picture of the devastating impacts of the housing crisis, particularly on children,” says Phil Twyford. “Homelessness, transience and substandard housing have had a lasting, and sometimes even deadly, effect on our youngest.
“Most concerning is the hidden homeless – those who feel they can’t seek government housing support for their families – for which there are no official estimates. The stocktake suggests there could be significant numbers of ‘floating homeless’ which will lead to a growing homeless rate as more people seek help.”